Mother of boy needing life-saving scoliosis surgery pleads with Taoiseach 'for actual action'

David Raleigh
A mother of a little boy suffering with a life-threatening curve on his spine, shared a heartbreaking video of her son struggling in pain, and pleaded with Taoiseach, Simon Harris, to help her son receive the urgent care he so desperately needs.
In 2017, Gillian Sherratt and Stephen Morrison were told by doctors that their baby son Harvey would require urgent scoliosis surgery as his lungs and heart were already starting to be crushed by his twisting spine and ribcage.
Last February, Harvey’s parents shared a video of Harvey struggling to breathe due to his complex health needs.
However, seven years after Harvey’s doctors warned that “controlling his scoliosis was life or death”, Harvey’s mother informed the Taoiseach in an email that Harvey is still awaiting the life-saving surgery.
In 2017, Mr Harris, then the Minister for Health, told parents of children waiting years for scoliosis surgery that they would wait no longer than four months for the procedures, but this has not happened, and prolonged scoliosis surgery waiting lists continue due to inadequacies in the health system.
“You continually tell families like ours that you care, and you have been promising to fix this since 2017. 2017 was the year we were told that Harvey’s ribs were crushing his lungs and controlling his scoliosis was life and death. Here we are in 2024 and nothing has changed...”, states Ms Sherratt’s email to the Taoiseach.
Ms Sherratt stated she is “incredibly concerned” for Harvey who is now eight and half years old.
“Harvey has Spina Bifida and scoliosis which in itself is challenging, but when those conditions are coupled with a lack of access to therapy, and incredibly long wait lists for urgent and life changing surgeries, then it becomes impossible to adequately care for your child,” wrote Ms Sherratt.
“Harvey had an Xray in January 2024 that showed his scoliosis curve is at 110°, if you have read in to scoliosis then I am sure you are aware how this is at a point where it is detrimental to his health and quality of life,” Ms Sherratt’s email continues.
Ms Sherratt sates that Harvey “was listed for urgent surgery in February 2022 after repeated pneumonia infections”, however Harvey’s surgeon has not been available for surgery and “30 months later he (Harvey) is still only on the surgical he does not have a surgeon willing to operate.”.
Ms Sherratt’s email informed the Taoiseach that a Paediatric Spinal Taskforce, established last January by the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, to address the scoliosis surgery waiting lists crisis, and which has met three times, “has not made contact with my family, nor is there any details online of how to contact them to enquire as to when your child will finally be treated”.
Ms Sherratt’s email also highlighted delays in the long-awaited new Children’s Hospital, as well as how the result of a HSE investigation into where funding for scoliosis surgery was actually spent is not known.
“Here we are in 2024 and nothing has changed except...longer wait lists, more children waiting, a still not complete hospital, and funds not being spent as intended and no answers yet as to where the money *we* fought for went.”
“You say you care but your actions have left us feeling anything but,” Ms Sherratt states.
She also informed the Taoiseach that her five-year-old daughter Lyla is “facing open heart surgery next month and this is just more stress and concern that we do not need”.
“Another summer has just passed and Harvey has spent the majority (of it) in his room, often needing to go back in to bed because he is in so much pain,” Ms Sherratt’s states.
“Is that the life you think the children of Ireland deserve? Would you accept that if it was your own child?
Can you imagine being told your child has a potentially life threatening condition but that it will be years before it would be treated?,” she asked.
“We need actual action, not more empty promises...We need contact details and open dialogue with the task force so that we can actually feel its existence.”
“We need answers as to where the funding for scoliosis and spina bifida services went.”
“Most of all, these children need to get their quality of life back before their whole childhood passes. I look forward to hearing from you,” Ms Sherratt’s email concludes.
The Department of the Taoiseach has been asked for a response.